Episcopal Student Fellowship
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We’re so glad you’re here.

Join us Wednesday nights at 6 PM in the BSU Student Lounge (in the basement of Kitchin) for free dinner and fellowship!

Email us to be added to our weekly email list and stay up to date on all things ESF!

here’s a preview of what you might find from connecting with us…

click on any image to visit our instagram directly!

Listen to our Midweek Meditations (from 2020) helping find grounding in Christ

Go deeper in prayer: contemplative prayer 101 (Download the tl;dr version here!)

ESF is committed to inclusion and dismantling racism on campus and in our communities.

Our commitment

Throughout history, the university campus has been the place for grassroots movements to affect change in society. We as a group of students, faculty, staff, and community members are committed to educating ourselves, actively working against the “isms” of this world, and showing up for and standing with people of color on and off campus. We can overcome individual and systemic racism as a community because we are already called and compelled to do so as followers of Jesus. We are committed to doing our part in this corner of the kingdom to bring about healing and justice. Black Lives Do Matter. The gospels tell us so. And our episcopal tradition asks us thus:

Celebrant: Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself?

People: I will, with God's help.

Celebrant: Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being?

People: I will, with God's help.

Below you will find resources to guide us all on this path of healing and justice as we follow in the Way of Love, modeled by our lord and savior Jesus Christ.

You are beloved.

Black Lives Matter / Winston4Peace protest, May 31, 2020 at Bailey Park, Winston Salem

Black Lives Matter / Winston4Peace protest, May 31, 2020 at Bailey Park, Winston Salem

Training and Resources

Anti-racism training through the episcopal church is currently being reformatted for online learning. The diocese of NC has offered many of these trainings - most recently, “Seeing the Face of God in the Other.” Stay tuned for more information as it moves to an online training and certification.




Bible study/small group guides:



Who We Are...

 We create and form young adults in beloved, Christ-centered community through fostering loving, liberating, & life-giving relationships.





We want everyone on campus to know Christ’s love. We share it and build beloved community in many ways:

  • Weekly Wednesday Night Dinners

  • Sunday Evening Worship Services

  • Weekend Retreats Each Semester

  • Service Events

  • Small Group Bible Study

We welcome any and all, regardless of background, gender identity, religious affiliations, sexual orientation or really anything else.
